About Us

“Inspiring and Empowering Children Of All Ages Through The Spirit Of Imagination”

Project Superhero is a 501(c)3 non profit charity organization located on the beautiful Crystal Coast of Eastern North Carolina, USA. We are staffed by volunteers from our community. Our main purpose is to send superhero characters to children’s charities, fundraisers, and pediatric hospitals in our community. You may also find us volunteering to help other worthy projects in our area.

Our Origin Story

Project Superhero was just a dream in early 2015 when our co-founder, Rodney, dressed up as Batman to read to his daughter’s first grade class (See pic right). The amazing response of those 6 year olds during this cute little classroom visit sparked an idea.

Our very first superhero appearance in 2015 with a borrowed halloween costume!

That idea blossomed into a wonderful group of individuals in our community volunteering their time to visit children all over Eastern NC. By November of 2015 Project Superhero Inc was officially formed.

Our true passion is visiting children who face special challenges. In 2013, our founders, Rodney and Sarah Leary, were blessed with their youngest daughter. Sadly she was born with lung complications and spent the first week of her life in the NICU of the James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital in Greenville NC. While there, the Leary family were given a place to stay at the Ronald McDonald House. She fully recovered and they gained from this experience a true appreciation of the good work done in Children’s Hospitals and youth charities… plus a desire to give back.

Since 2015, Project Superhero has been volunteering non-stop. Our group has visited The James and Connie Maynard Children’s Hospital, Duke Children’s Hospital, Lennox Baker Children’s Clinic at Duke, UNC Children’s Hospital, and Richmond’s Children’s Hospital at VCU.

We also visit many private events for children with special needs and the charities that support them.

You can also find us at your local library! We love visiting and reading to children at the Carteret and Onslow County libraries! This is in addition to our many appearances for the Special Olympics, Relay for Life events, Boys and Girls Club, and other local charities.

Since 2015 we have made over 500 charity appearances!

Be sure to contact us if you think Project Superhero can help your event!